"You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You."

Isaiah 26:3

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Today mom woke up with about the same amount of strength as yesterday. This afternoon she was even up for a walk in the wheel chair. She said the sun felt good and it was good to get outside.

As the day has progressed she seems to be getting worse and worse. This afternoon she became more and more week with hardly enough strength to walk. She then began coughing. Her speech has become more slurred and as the day has come to an end is not really talking much at all.

Our main nurse that will be seeing her weekly stopped by tonight to check in and take her vitals. She basically told us some things to keep our eye on like congestion, fever and confusion. This is our indication that the end is near. We have already started to see the congestion and confusion today. It seems like today has been the fastest deterioration of all. She has gone from being able to walk and hold a few minutes conversation to hardly walking and hardly talking. This evening she has started coughing up some of the congestion. The nurse told us in her best judgement from what she has seen previously mom has probably just a few days or maybe a week left to live. This is a lot sooner then we had all hoped, if it is the Lord's plan to take her. We do take comfort in the fact that she knows without a shadow of a doubt that once the Lord decides to take her she will be taken into the arms of Jesus. The best comfort right now is knowing this and that she will no longer be in any pain or suffering.

It was good that we had a hospital bed delivered for her as she is really struggling to breath tonight. Even as I'm typing she is extremely exhausted and tired.

Ok. Had to take a break and now I am back. As I was typing mom started gurgling up fluid and was having a really hard time catching her breath. She sounded as if she was drowning in fluid. She has coughed it all up for now and is trying to sleep, but still having a hard time breathing. Kenneth and Jessica arrived tonight and are here. We have called Kevin and Kyle and they will be getting here tomorrow. At this point and time we really feel the Lord will take her soon. She is pretty non-responsive right now, but we are not sure if it's because she is sleeping or can't respond. The last thing she said through her gurgled words was "I love you guys".

We called hospice and a nurse is supposed to be arriving soon to assess her. Since we are all non experts here we don't know what to think of the situation except that the end is near, but not sure how much longer she can go on like this.

Please pray for strength, grace and comfort for our family. We hate seeing mom in this state and would like for her not to have to struggle through each breath that she takes.

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