"You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You."

Isaiah 26:3

Friday, September 17, 2010

We've Arrived!

Let the craziness begin!! Matt, the girls and I arrived safely to my sister Karen's house in CA today. The girls did really well on the flight and were excited to see their Uncle Thomas, Aunt Karen and Grandpa and Grandma Lewis.

My first impression of my mom is that she has lost some weight since I saw her last June, but she looks pretty good. She is just really tired all the time. She has to just rest sitting down a lot.

This evening my sister went over mom's schedule with me so that I can start getting an idea of everything we have to do. We made coffee enemas tonight. Fun! Fun! Tomorrow she will show me how to do all the juicing, etc.

Matt, my dad and I are going to take the girls to the beach tomorrow to enjoy our last day with Matt. It's supposed to be 80 degrees so hopefully it will make for a fun day. Unfortunately, mom can't come with us to even sit and enjoy the beach. Any type of outing these days exhaust her.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

September 13th & 14th Update

September 13th
Well, my mom has almost been in treatment for a week now and I think over all things are going pretty well. Her energy level still seems improved and her body seems to be handling the new diet pretty well. The one thing that she does ask prayer for is the indigestion and slight nausea she gets in the late morning that will last until evening. The doctor said this is part of the detox process. Hopefully this will subside soon.

Matt and I are making preparations to fly down to CA with the kids this Friday. He will stay there with me for the weekend and then head back home on Sunday. I will stay there with the girls to help take care of my mom. The girls and I have one way tickets and will stay there indefinitely at this point. Please pray that this will be a smooth transition for all of us and that the kids will do well in their new environment. Matt will try to come to visit every few weeks on the weekends. We sure are going to miss him. At this point, I think he's afraid that Myah is going to start walking when he's not there. I'll try to convince her to save it until he visits. :)

I was just talking to Karen today and it sounds like we'll sure have our work cut out for us. My mom's juicing and food preparation process sound like it's going to be a full time job. Everything that she eats must be organic and some of the juicing has to be made right away and drank within 15 minutes of making it. She's suppose to drink 13 juices a day plus eat three meals that all have to be made fresh daily. There are just fews things can be made a couple days in advance. We also have to home-make the coffee enemas and other natural pain medicine type things. I'm sure I'll get all the details once I get there and get started on everything.

September 14
I never got around to posting this yesterday and now today I have something else to add before I post. Kristi told me that she talked to mom today and yesterday was mom's worst day so far. Around dinner time she started getting very sick and was vomiting along with diarrhea. She apparently didn't have a great night last night. Today though, she said she is doing a lot better. The doctor again told her that this is a normal detox process and she will have her good days and bad days. They have given her natural methods for upset stomach and pain and they have seemed to help some. Please pray that this detox period will end quickly. I'm not sure how long it's suppose to take.